SCP-020-TIS - "False Eldritch God"

 Item #: 020-TIS

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-020-TIS-1 is to be monitored at all times by staff of  Deep Sea research Site 99 for any signs of activity. Due to the entity's size, it is not currently contained. In the event that SCP-020-TIS enters an active state, Deep Sea research Site 99's thermonuclear warhead is to be detonated to prevent both SCP-020-TIS and SCP-020-TIS-1 instances from reaching the surface.

There are currently 4 SCP-020-TIS-1 instances contained at Site 99, 3 females and 1 male, designated SCP-020-TIS-1 A (female), SCP-020-TIS-1 B (female), SCP-020-TIS-1 C (female) and SCP-020-TIS-1 D (male). All four instances are to be secured in a 30x30 meter re-enforced submerged containment cell outfitted with native substrate, flora and fauna. All four instances are to be fed 1000 kilograms of meat each every month. In the event that SCP-020-TIS-1 A through C give birth, the juvenile(s) is to be confiscated for research, before being terminated and cryogenically frozen before reaching maturity  

Description: SCP-020-TIS is a massive aquatic organism of unknown origin. The exact size of SCP-020-TIS is difficult to measure, however, deep sea bio-scanning has produced an estimate of 60-70 meters in length. SCP-020-TIS is currently in a dormant state, resting near the ruins of a deep-sea mining facility.

SCP-020-TIS is humanoid in appearance though with several obvious differences. The entity's face vaguely resembles that of a human being, however, it's head is shaped similarly to members of the molluscan class, specifically cephalopods, and it possesses a pair of eyes on both sides of it's head. SCP-020-TIS's mouth is lined with a single row of thin, sharp teeth with the bottom jaw able to split in two. Both split jaws each possess a row of teeth. The bottom jaws end in a series of tentacles, the purpose of which are unknown.

The body of SCP-020-TIS is long, slender and covered with a series of fins, tentacles and protrusions that resemble emaciated, bone-like wings along it's length, with the entity possessing 2 short, muscular arms, the function of which is unknown. The body ends with a whale-like tail fin, supposedly used for propulsion through the water.

Interestingly, multiple murals and imagery on the walls of Site 99 prior to it's repurposing refer to SCP-020-TIS as "Cthulhu". Despite this, direct observation of the entity does not invoke madness, nor any mental defects common in lovecraftian mythos upon the observer. 

SCP-020-TIS-1 are a species of 2.5 meter tall predatory, humanoid organisms that seem to share a symbiotic relationship with SCP-020-TIS (See Document 020-TIS-1-2020). SCP-TIS-1 are extremely hostile to surrounding organisms, often attempting to restrain and swallow their victims whole. SCP-020-1 are slender and pale in coloration, possessing translucent skin and webbing present on their hands, feet and axilla (underarm). The face of the organisms are vaguely humanoid, though the nose and ears are missing, possessing holes in their place. The bottom jaws of the entities are flexible and can expand, enabling them to swallow creatures similar to their body weight. Despite their apparent lack of muscle tissue and emaciated appearance, SCP-020-TIS-1 are surprisingly strong, capable of lifting and restraining an adult human being in Pressure Resistant Diving Suits with ease. Despite their physical strength, SCP-020-TIS-1's skin is extremely vulnerable, able to be pierced by sharp objects with little resistance. 

SCP-020-TIS-1 are able to ascend to the surface without experiencing the effects of Decompression Sickness (also known as "Barotrauma" or "The Bends"), and could theoretically thrive in shallow waters, however, the entities do not remain at the surface for extended periods of time, preferring the depths and the protection of SCP-020-TIS.

Although most of the SCP-020-TIS-1 instances are in an inactive state, Foundation activity has since awoken a small amount, with said entities causing minimal structural damage to Site 99 and the deaths of 20 personnel. 

Despite the entities' hostility, the lifecycle of SCP-020-TIS-1 is exceptionally well understood. SCP-020-TIS-1 are viviparous (give live birth), and care for their young until Stage 3 of the lifecycle. The life process from birth to sexual maturity is listed as follows:

  1. Stage 1: The entities are birthed as 0.8 meter long cephalopodic creatures, possessing a small mouth, many tentacle-like structures covering each side of the torso with two ending in under-developed hand-like appendages and the body concluding with a 0.2 meter long tail.
  2. Stage 2: Specimens take to a bipedal stance. Many of the tentacle-like appendages present on the sides of the torso fall off, leaving only 4 (including the tentacles ending in hand-like appendages, which are still not fully developed). A pair of leg-like appendages begin to grow at the base of the tail. These changes occur 1 month after stage 1. Specimens at this point in the lifecycle are 0.9 meters in height.
  3. Stage 3: The two tentacles fuse to form a singular appendage (though parts of both tentacles protrude out of this fused appendage). The legs become much longer, and the head grows noticeably larger (specifically 0.3 inches larger). Specimens at this stage grow to 1.2 meters in height.
  4. Stage 4: The overall texture of the Specimens become much smoother, with the arms and legs noticeably increasing in length and further developing, with webbing now present on the arms, feet and axilla. The tail has also shriveled and fallen off, leaving a stump in it's place. Specimens at this stage are 1.6 meters tall.
  5. Stage 5: Specimens at this point in the lifecycle are now fully matured SCP-020-TIS-1 instances.

Document 020-TIS-1-2020

SCP-020-TIS-1 instances have been observed resting, breeding and feeding in several indentations on SCP-020-TIS's skin, and have been seen occasionally chasing and attacking any local fauna that approach SCP-020-TIS, as well as feeding on parasitic organisms attempting to feed off of SCP-020-TIS. This is most likely a form of symbiosis; SCP-020-TIS provides shelter and protection to SCP-020-TIS-1, whilst SCP 020-TIS-1 ward off parasitic organisms attempting to benefit off of SCP-020-TIS, and may also assist in feeding SCP-020-TIS. The reason this symbiotic relationship has formed is currently unknown.


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