SCP-075-UNT - "Ghidorah"

 Item #: SCP-075-UNT

Object Class: Safe

Image of SCP-075-UNT taken from Apex Cybernetics Headquarters

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-075-UNT is to be stored in a 30x30 meter lead-lined containment cell at bio-research Site 32 for in-depth study into it's telepathic abilities. Armed guards are to be stationed at it's cell at all times. Personnel with no lower than level 3 security access are to enter SCP-075-UNT's containment cell. Any and all personnel caught attempting to access SCP-075-UNT's containment cell without meeting the mentioned security requirements are to be detained, administered Class A amnestics, and re-assigned.

Description: SCP-075-UNT is a 60 foot (18 meter) long skull of extra-terrestrial origin. The upper jaw (maxilla) of the anomaly is still intact, however, the lower jaw is not present. SCP-075-UNT possess many features akin to traditional draconic creatures seen throughout western mythology, such as possessing a pair of horns on each side of the head, a upper jaw structured akin to various reptilian organisms, notably Varanus komodoensis (Komodo Dragon), lined with hundreds of teeth, some protruding out of the maxilla itself. SCP-075-UNT also possesses multiple boney protrusions all over itself, with no previously known biological function.

SCP-075-UNT's main anomalous trait seems to take effect when connecting it's neural networks to that of another biological organism's, or a piece of technology. This allows the anomaly to form a neural link with a host; by connecting the anomaly's neural network with a sapient organism's (hereby referred to as SCP-075-UNT-2), it allows the two to work in tandem to control an electronic object by connecting the electronic to SCP-075-UNT. The electronic in question can range from as small as a radio, to as large as a weaponized mechanical construct (see Incident UNT-075-2024)

When alive, according to Monarch records, SCP-075-UNT was a 521 foot (158.8 meter) tall organism with a wingspan of 800 feet (243.8 meters), designated "Monster Zero" and "Titanus Ghidorah". The organism possessed 3 identical heads capable of independent thought and telepathic communication (see Addendum UNT-075-2), and was golden in coloration. The creature capable of causing Category 6 Hurricanes by flapping it's wings. The organism's muscle tendons were incredibly hyper-tensile, allowing the wings' aerodynamics to generate hurricane-level winds when taking flight. Combined with the specimen's electro-receptor molecular biology capable of conducting electrical currents, water vapor present in the air was superheated, creating a localized storm-system as it flied, surpassing that of even a Category 5 Hurricane, warranting an entirely new Category in it's reality. 

Analysis on the organism's scales (and review of Monarch files) reveal that the creature's dermal layer was composed of trace amounts of aurum, which acted as a conductor capable of carrying bio-electrical currents throughout it's body. 

Further investigation of Monarch files show that there was another skull of "Titanus Ghidorah" present within the Giant Mechanical Construct, however the status and location of this second skull is unknown. 


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