SCP-1170-EXP - "Huggy Wuggy"

 NOTICE: Before I begin this article, I would like to say that Huggy Wuggy does not belong to me, it belongs to MOB Games. This applies to all articles I write on this "site". They do not belong to me, these are just written for fun. All rights go to their respective owners. 

Item #: 1170-EXP

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1170-EXP is to be kept in a 5x5 meter concrete containment unit in Sublevel 2 at Site 30. SCP-1170-EXP and SCP-1170-EXP-1 instances are to be fed 50 and 10 kilograms of meat respectively once a month . The units are to be guarded by at least 4 armed security personnel per unit at all times. Access to SCP-1170-EXP and SCP-1170-EXP-1's containment units are to only be granted to staff with Level 2 clearance and above.

Any SCP-1170-EXP-1 instances recovered from The Playtime Co. toy factory are to be placed in separate containment units, each measuring 3x3 meters in size. Currently, there are 5 SCP-1170-EXP-1 instances contained at Site 30.

In the event of a containment breach, Protocol A60 - C is to be initiated (See Addendum 1170-EXP A).

Description: SCP-1170-EXP is a 5 meter tall bipedal entity weighing 689.46 kg. The entity can be most accurately described as an anthropomorphized simian-like entity, covered in a layer of blue fur and possessing long, flexible, slender arms and legs capped with yellow hands and feet respectively. Both hands and feet possess opposable thumbs. The entity's head is triangular in shape, possessing no visible ears or nose. On it's face, the specimen has two, round eyes with black pupils and a wide mouth surrounded by vibrant, cartoonish red lips.

Whilst it's anthropomorphic and toy-like features may suggest otherwise, SCP-1170-EXP is a fully-functioning organism, capable of feeding, resting and hunting. SCP-1170-EXP is predatory in nature, subsisting only on meat. The range of creatures SCP-1170-EXP prey on is vast, from medium sized prey such as goat or deer, to large sized prey, including humans. SCP-1170-EXP displays an above average amount of intelligence, capable of setting up relatively simple traps, following and luring it's prey into more favorable areas for an ambush and posing as a statue. SCP-1170-EXP has been observed to be extremely quiet and stealthy whist stalking prey, hiding just out of the prey's line of sight before ambushing them. Prey are usually restrained via a motion similar to "hugging" before being swallowed whole.

When not hunting, SCP-1170-EXP is observed to aimlessly roam it's containment unit. In this state, it's mouth is closed and it's eyes are contracted. When potential prey enter it's vicinity, however, SCP-1170-EXP's eyes dilate and it's mouth opens to reveal a gaping maw lined with thin, sharp teeth. It should be noted that SCP-1170-EXP's mouth possess secondary jaws (pharyngeal jaws). These are hypothesized to assist the entity in maintaining a hold on prey. SCP-1170-EXP can break into alarming bursts of speed to catch prey, using it's arms and legs to propel itself forward. The entity is additionally capable of using it's flexibility to it's advantage, twisting and contorting it's body into tight and cramped spaces to access various areas.

Despite it's slender and flexible build, SCP-1170-EXP displays abnormal strength, capable of restraining and lifting an adult human with apparent ease. X-ray scans have revealed that the entity possesses little muscle mass, as such the origin of this strength is unknown. This also applies to SCP-1170-EXP-1 instances.

SCP-1170-EXP-1 are entities that are identical in appearance to SCP-1170-EXP, though they are smaller in size, standing little over 1 meter tall and weighing on average 50kg. SCP-1170-EXP-1 instances come in a variety of colors, including (but not limited to): red, green, yellow, orange and red. SCP-1170-EXP-1 instances possess average intelligence, often relying on strength in numbers, though they are fully capable of restraining an adult human being. SCP-1170-EXP-1 instances feed on small, medium and large-sized prey, usually killing their prey by snapping the neck. It should be noted that SCP-1170-EXP-1 instances possess no teeth, and feed by swallowing their prey whole, although if the prey is too large, it is torn apart into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Several advertisements as well as non-anomalous toys of SCP-1170-EXP and SCP-1170-EXP-1 designate the entities, "Huggy Wuggy" and "Huggy Buddies" respectively, and were supposedly manufactured in 1984. Logs recovered from the factory have revealed that at an unknown date, scientists working in a laboratory supposedly located underneath the factory have managed to create the currently contained SCP-1170-EXP, SCP-1170-EXP-1 and other -EXP designated entities via anomalous means, with SCP-1170-EXP designated as "Experiment 1170". Expeditions are currently underway to locate this laboratory.

Discovery: SCP-1170-EXP and SCP-1170-EXP were discovered on 2/5/21 following reports of individuals going missing within the Playtime Co. toy factory. See Expedition log 1170 - 01 for additional details.

Addendum 1170-EXP A: Protocol A60 - C

The following is a procedure that is to be initiated in the event of a breach at Site 30 to ensure all -EXP designated anomalies do not exit the site.

Following a site-wide breach, or a breach of Sublevels 1 through 3, a staff member possessing Level 2 security clearance will assume standard lockdown procedures. All staff will be given 5 minutes to reach the emergency shelters present on each Sublevel before the entirety of Site 30 is exposed to a Class A sedative gas administered through the false ventilation shafts located throughout Site 30. Containment Team Omega-12 is to be dispatched to re-contain all breached anomalies. Following this, Site 30 is to be aired-out, and all staff are to be escorted out of Site 30 once all breached -EXP designated anomalies are re-contained. Only after a thorough Site inspection are staff allowed to re-enter Site 30.


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