SCP-119-LC "Bracken"

 NOTICE: The Bracken and all related creatures are from the game, Lethal Company, created by Zeekerss. They do not belong to me, and are used only for an unofficial fan work. The Bracken is not an SCP and never will be an SCP.

Item #: 116-LC

Object Class: Euclid
Image taken from

Special Containment Procedures: All recovered SCP-116-LC specimens are to be taken to Site-23 for containment. There is currently 1 specimen contained at Site-23, labelled SCP-116-LC A. All recovered specimens are to kept in separate containment chambers, those of which being standard humanoid containment cells modified with plant-life and rock covering. 

 Description: SCP-116-LC is a species of humanoid entities displaying multiple plant-like physical qualities. They are vertebrates with their skin textured and colored similarly to Red Beets. Leaf-like appendages protrude from their upper spinal column. The purpose of these appendages are unknown, but they are thought to be used for intimidation or attracting a potential mate, though the latter has not been observed in containment. Their eyes glow a bright white, which can be used to distinguish them from the dark environments they inhabit.

From what is observed from the single specimen in containment, SCP-116-LC are predatory in nature, preying almost exclusively on humans, though they have not been observed consuming their victims. Their hunting behavior and overall method of catching prey is somewhat contradictory. The creature will first select a victim and begin stalking them relentlessly, using dark environments to conceal itself. After stalking the victim for an unspecified amount of time (usually under a minute), it will kill them by snapping their neck, and dragging them away to it's "nest", at which point it will drop the corpse and continue to lurk in it's environment before identifying another potential victim, at which point it will repeat it's hunting tactic. 

However, if the potential victim catches sight of the entity, it will immediately cease all stalking behavior and will quickly move away from the target. If cornered or stared at for approximately 3 to 4 seconds, it will become highly aggressive, quickly engaging the aggressor to snap their neck and drag them away. It is this behavior that makes SCP-116-LC difficult to capture.

Details regarding the species' biology is also difficult to record, as upon death their corpses rapidly decompose. 


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